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본문 시작


  • 이종섭 교수 사진
    이종섭 (LEE JONG SUB) 교수
    • 소속 IT엔지니어링대학   스마트IT학부  
    • 연구실 학술관 4층 418호
    • 전화번호 043-649-1594
    • 이메일 99jslee@semyung.ac.kr
    • 담당과목 디지털정보활용,창의적사고와코딩


광운대학교 대학원 전자계산학과 분산객체처리시스템전공
세명대학교 교양대학/스마트IT학부 교수
세명대학교 교양대학 정보화교육센터장/원격교육지원센터장




-A study on the node allocation model using time information in a mobile cloud environment, International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology,2019,9
-Collaboration System Using Extended MRA for Process in Intelligent Cloud Environment, The Society Of Convergence Knowledge,2019.9
-A Study on Behavior Recognition Platform for Traffic Pedestrians, The Society Of Convergence Knowledge,2019.1
-Collaboration System using Agent based on MRA in Cloud, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research,2017.11
-Mobile Cloud System based on MXMDR-DAI for Body Sensor Data, The Society Of Convergence Knowledge,2017.7
-A Study on DBaaS using XMDR-DAI for HL7-based Medical Information Sharing, The Society Of Convergence Knowledge,2017.1
-The Mobile Cloud Hospital Interoperability Information System based on XMDR-DAI, International Journal of Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering,2016.11
-Collaborative System based on Social using XMDR-DAI for Business Process in Mobile Cloud, Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering,2015,10
-Vocabulary Recognition Performance Improvement using k-means Algorithm for GMM Support, The Society Of Digital Policy & Management,2015.2
-Semantic Ontology Speech Recognition Performance Improvement using ERB Filter, The Society Of Digital Policy & Management,2014.10
-A Study for a Secure User Authentication System on Multi-Screen Services, Korea Convergence Security Association,2013,3
-Vocabulary Retrieve System using Improve Levenshtein Distance algorithm, The Society Of Digital Policy & Management,2013.11


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웹 개발자를 위한 HTML/XML-이한출판사

예제 중심의 C 언어 입문-경문사

JAVA 입문에서 활용까지-기한재

UNIX 시스템 V-진영사


  • 담당부서 : 스마트IT학부
  • 담당자 : 조면균
  • 연락처 : 043-649-1275
  • 최종수정일 : 2024-10-21
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